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Reducing Insurance Premiums

When was the last time you evaluated your budget? A few months ago, I took a good, hard look at my finances, and I realized that I was spending a boatload on insurance premiums. I knew that I needed to cut down my spending, so I started talking with my insurance agent. The agent was incredibly kind and caring, and he walked me through a variety of hypothetical scenarios to help me to make things right. I was really impressed with how awesome the experience was, and I was able to save a lot of money on my premiums. This blog is all about reducing insurance costs.


2 Ways To Qualify For Lower Auto Insurance Rates

28 June 2016
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Trying to lower your auto insurance rates while also maintaining an acceptable level of coverage can often be a very difficult job, but there are a few ways to qualify for better auto insurance rates and discounts. Listed below are two things that you can do to qualify for better auto insurance rates. Defensive Driving Courses One of the simplest ways to reduce your auto insurance rates is to consider taking a defensive driver course. Read More …

When Might You Need Proof Of SR22 Insurance Coverage

27 June 2016
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

SR22 insurance is not really a special type of insurance in terms of what is covered or the benefits that you have. It is an insurance that is for people who must have their insurance company send proof of coverage to the state in order to remain covered. To understand more, take a moment to review the types of scenarios people may have found themselves in that would cause their state officials to want that extra proof of insurance coverage. Read More …

Are You At Risk For Losing Your Car Insurance?

27 June 2016
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

The world of auto insurance is tricky enough as it is. Trying to navigate the world of car insurance may be difficult, especially if you do not know why you have been dropped from your auto insurance. These are common reasons why people find themselves suddenly without car insurance: 1. You have failed to pay your premium. Just as with any service, you can expect to lose your insurance if you do not pay your bill. Read More …

Two Questions New Car Owners May Have About Auto Insurance

27 June 2016
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Insuring your car is an important part of being a responsible driver. However, there are some individuals that may not have the experience or knowledge needed to know what they should expect from these essential policies. Learning the following couple of routinely asked questions and answers will help new drivers be better prepared for what to expect from this type of insurance policy. Why Should You Consider Investing In Comprehensive Over Liability Coverage? Read More …

Questions To Help You Decide Where To Buy Auto Insurance If You Live In Two States

27 June 2016
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Car insurance rates are calculated based on the specific rates of your state (where you reside). This is why your insurer will not like it if you buy insurance from one state but live in a different one. What about if you live in two states and switch back and forth between them at different times of the year? In that case, these four questions may determine where to buy coverage: Read More …